Do you want to buy a portable bathtub? Are you interested in a personalized freezer with your favorite colors? Do you need a sauna? Traditional, portable, barrel type to place in the garden? We can help you.
We have material in stock, both equipment and accessories.
Debido a la gran demanda, los modelos que no se encuentran disponibles para entrega inmediata van recibiendo pedidos anticipados, por lo que no suele haber disponibilidad una vez llegan nuevamente al almacén.
Te recomendamos o bien hacer el pedido anticipado o bien realizar una reserva de una unidad. Puedes hacerlo con un depósito del 30%. Contáctanos para dejar tu sauna reservada.
We are the first WHOOP official partner in Spain
WHOOP is a unique wearable fitness device that offers continuous monitoring of physiological data, including heart rate, respiratory rate, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature, blood oxygen levels, daily activity and sleep so users can better understand their overall health and well-being and track their progress over time.
It is much more precise than any smartwatch because it uses all its capacity and technology to collect user data: it does not have a screen or a step counter. It is a professional level wearable.
Visit the official website here.
Una sauna en casa, ahora es posible.
Transforma tu hogar en un santuario de bienestar y cuidado personal.
Modelos de sauna tradicional
Modelos de sauna infrarroja
¿Tienes alguna duda sobre qué sauna elegir?
Más abajo tienes las respuestas a las preguntas más típicas. Si tienes alguna otra, no dudes en contactarnos sin ningún compromiso.
Estaremos encantados de ayudarte.
Modelos de sauna híbrida
La opción más completa. Lo mejor de ambos mundos, en una misma sauna. Un día puedes usar la tradicional y al próximo la infrarroja.
I am a very cold person, this is not for me...Precisely if you are a cold person, these therapies are perfect for you! By learning to exercise your thermoregulation, you will ensure that the cold does not affect you as much, you will tolerate it much better. And the same thing will happen with the heat, from now on you will handle the hot summers much better. Also consider the mental reward of overcoming "I can't" or "this isn't for me." Once you try it, you will strengthen your mind by showing yourself that it wasn't a big deal and that you could do it. Empowering yourself, controlling and overcoming that initial stress will make you grow and show yourself that you are capable of this and many more things that until now you thought you couldn't do.